Further manipulating pointclouds, I utilized Agisoft Metashape software to create pointcloud data from nature videos.
After processing the data in Blender, I created a manipulatable environment that I could control with audioreactive effects.
I recreated this process in Touchdesigner, utilizing the pointcloud data from the initial processing in Agisoft to control point information that I could manipulate and make audioreactive.
TouchDesigner also has the ability to write different kinds of
GLSL shaders, allowing me to write vertex and fragment shaders in
Python. I manipulate texture based operators (TOPs), real-time
GPU-based compositing and image manipulation nodes to render
3d visuals, data visualizations, or mathematical equations. Touchdesigner includes a host of libraries that I use in addition to the scripts I create.
RayTK is a Raymarching library of Touchdesigner components that
allow me to create GLSL shaders in realtime and work with them
in larger nodebased networks rather than scripting it all
directly. RayTK functions similarly to Pyspace, another
Raymarching library that allows me to create objects, scenes and
patterns. These patterns can then be animated based on data
input to Touchdesigner like music.
I wanted to create a particle simulation with a procedurally modeled asset so I utilized Houdini to create a particle simulation. I then took that particle simulation's data- the Euler angles for orientation, particle size, color and using that information was able to recreate the same simulation inside of Blender by copying the point data over through Geometry Nodes. This process could be done with other Houdini simulation projects I work on, allowing for simulations to be edited and tweaked inside of Blender from Houdini.
The Overhead Bins, an indie rock group with over 50,000
listeners comissoned me for a music video for one of their
unreleased songs. I used photogrammetry to capture the lead
singer's face and create a model based on their photos. In
addition to photogrammetry I used, I created Tornado effects
and multiple renders of rigged characters playing soccer to
fit the Playstation 1 aesthetic for my client.
Once the render was finished, I used Magic Music Visualizer to composite 2D graphics and art into the project, and Adobe Aftereffects to animate an additional camera and layer all the different kinds of media together.
Pyspace was the first raymarching library I utiltized, due to it being written in Python and having basic recording features. I was able to learn the basics of manipulating signed distance fields (SDFs) and create animations with objects I had scripted.