Fool’s Tower is a self-made tabletop RPG featuring a mix of narrative quest hooks, Player and Background driven goals. The tabletop is structured into Narrative Arcs, blocks of story and goal that guide the character through progression. From this, I've crafted a novel world featuring environmental design and rendering within Blender.
My projects with environment design feature a mix of my procedural modeling,
photogrammetry and compositing skills and mixing 2d elements and assets I made in Blender, Touchdesigner or Houdini. I handle all of the compositing, rigging, and finding or making the assets to later use for clientwork and live shows.
This project involved me using Blender modifiers based on CBaileyFilm's coral structure - adapting it into a terrestial piece of Fauna. I wanted to practice using Blender modifiers to create assets beyond the standard simulation and modeling tools. This more modular approach toward creating plants would allow me to use any base geometry(a cube, a hand, a tree,) and stylize it with this material and plant-like effect.
I wanted to create a particle simulation with a procedurally modeled asset so I utilized Houdini to create a particle simulation. I then took that particle simulation's data- the Euler angles for orientation, particle size, color and using that information was able to recreate the same simulation inside of Blender by copying the point data over through Geometry Nodes. This process could be done with other Houdini simulation projects I work on, allowing for simulations to be edited and tweaked inside of Blender from Houdini.